it rains on Scorpio Season

Mars, Pluto

the twin gods that war made scorpio

defecting out of Achedon river of woe 

under earth

become Charon’s tongue

“art is long life is brief”

strattling  on Styxx and Lethe

LAD to EMH 12/21

“build real estate on Golgotha”

If we didn’t give any chaos European name,

Would we enjoy life?

They came and built engineering building scaffolding

Upon the graves of 38 Dakota were tied to ropes on Lincoln’s arm.

A baseball diamond over miners drowned in Ironwood cave in.

No herd of clapping christians kneeling infront of an old rotting cross

Would stop the zoning bulldozers. 

Lucas Alan Dietsche to Christians, Lutherans, Catholics, Pope Francis 10/21

Reading Heretics using Dietschean Methods

Reading heretics is to loose my katzenjammer scorns

Opening Rilke to transplant Nietzsche

Embalming Rimbaud’s youth

To realm Heidegger’s vicious automata self-will

In a Reich burbling to force Dietschean method or LAD classic theory

Couponed Hunter Style in Yeats suis generis mysticism

Pound-ing in dough but with incense anti-fascism

The accouterments of smoke the corn cobbing pipe

Sunglasses eclectic hats

Midwestern scorpio male snarl


I am no ever am me all the times, all the things

Lucas Alan Dietsche 9/21